Thursday 25 May 2017

name : Marissa  
birthday : 17 January
where are you from : Malaysia!

twitter : @vmineraI
tumblrspicychicken-wings (but i dont rly use it anymore)
ao3 : N/A (YET) (idk we'll see)
curiouscat : peachytae
askfm : N/A

fave tweet :
fave twt accs : everyone i follow!!!
how long have you had this acc : i think like 1 year ++
advice for people who want to start a twt acc like yours : dont try to be someone youre not just for the sake of being liked by everyone. you need to know that you cant please everybody and thats okay. stay true to who you are (this is so cliche), tweet whatever the heck you want, as long as it's not racist, homophobic, ableist etc.. yknow all the problematic things that i dont think i have to list down and you'll be fine 💓💓

what motivates you : the idea of succeeding and achieving my goals in life.
who inspires you : everyone around me but mostly friends and family ☺️💖
if you could have 1 superpower : i really love jean grey from x-men so i want her powers. telekinesis and telepathy. (i know it's two powers shhhHh) because being able to control everything around you AND the minds of everyone?? i'd be supreme overlord in a heartbeat. either that or being able to waterbend
what can someone do to make you feel supported and loved : when people genuinely want to hear what i have to say, when people point out my mistakes because it makes me feel like they care enough about me to want me to change for the better, and when people send me things that remind them of me hehe.

current favourite song : High Hopes by Kodaline. it's an old song but it got me through a lot.
fave book : Matilda by Roald Dahl (i've read this book so many times i can tell you the story from cover to cover)
fave movies : Coraline, Room, Tangled, Gone Girl, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Winter Soldier
fave quote : "Do you want to know why I use a knife? You see, guns are too quick. You can't savor all of the little...emotions. In their last moments, people show you who they really are." — the Joker
fave food : cheese tarts, pastries, ramen and literally any type of malaysian food


mars!! i love seeing u on twt, ur presence in my tl is so bright and fun. i love it when u make snips of aus, it's actually really exciting! are you ever gonna consider writing them into a fic? i'm waiting to be blessed by ur works <3

ure so adorable and kind mars, the cutest meme on earth!! i love u, i hope u have a great day everyday!! love xx


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