Sunday 28 May 2017

name : donya
birthday : june 9 '93
twitter : romovmins
tumblr : n/a
ao3 : euphoriae

fic that you want to recommend : This was very hard for me, because I do read a lot and our fandom is blessed with so many amazing writers! (Also, I read every ship, hence even more fics I want to recommend!!) I settled with a touch of sin by pettey in the end. This fic is like watching a movie, the wordbuilding is incredible, the flow is so smooth, and you really get sucked into the whole story... Pls read it guys.
fave fic written : (this is the vmin creator appreciation, but I'm not reccing anything vmin related ;;; ) For this I would have to say my Vhope soulmate au "can you feel my heart "

fave genre (of fic) : I'm a sucker for really stereotypical tropes? I love enemy to lovers, and also fake dating. But I also do enjoy some good angst every once in awhile.
fave writers : So, so many? The vmin ficdom (and the BTS ficdom) is blessed with so many amazing writers. Here are a few: knth, nonheather, lissome, kaythebest, mucha, kadotas, minfairy, namakemono, minverse, skateboardsounds, bonnia, causeitsred, pettey, atechamcham, roachprince, eclairdeluxe, PinkBTS, and many many more!! People are seriously talented!

how long have you been writing : I started writing when I was 12 (so 12 years ago) and back then it was German Harry Potter fanfic. Later on I got into RPG forums and I did that for a few years before picking up fic again when I was 18 or so (then for the first time in English and for Anime) I recently finished my Bachelor in English and English Literature so technically I have a degree, but I'd say the years writing for fandom and RPG has helped me more in some ways than the language degree I have. (Of course my grammar is a lot better now lol (still not perfect tho))

advice for writers : Writing can be tedious. It can be tiring, and frustrating, and sometimes you feel like no one would even read your stuff. We all feel that way, all the time. The key is not to give up and keep pushing. Writing is a craft and the more you do it, the better you get, and the easier it will get. And even in between you will have ups and downs, you will get Writer's Block, but don't have that stop you from writing. You can do it, I believe in you.

what motivates/inspires you : Music. Music is very very important to me. I always make a new playlist for each and every fic I write and I listen to it while I write it. Lyrics are an inspiration to me. Not to use the lines of the songs, but to shape the story if that makes any sense? It helps me immensely with the flow and with outlining. Also, just to feel that satisfaction of finishing a fic, a job well done, is very rewarding for me.
if you could have 1 superpower : I'd like to be a shapeshifter. Not necessarily my entire appearance, but I would love to be able to change my looks however I like. To have different hair every day, get temporary tattoos, stuff like that!!
what can someone do to make you feel supported and loved : Just reading and leaving a nice comment is enough for me. May it be right under the fic or my social media, it makes my heart swell.

hardest thing about writing : Dialogue. I struggle a lot with it sometimes because I'm afraid it sounds repetitive and dull. I never know if it's too much or not enough. Also, sometimes the flow of a story. When I'm writing plot-heavy fics, I'm always worried to move to fast since a good flow and development are very important to me.
easiest thing about writing : I love outlining and wordbuilding. I have a lot of ideas in my head and I love planning them out beforehand, making notes and maybe even do some research depending on the fic. I usually handwrite these things and whenever I outline I feel this excitement of creating yet another story/world. For me that's the easiest part.

fave book : The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe
fave movie : Anastasia
fave quote : "present is just a pleasant interruption to the past"
fave food : i love farsi food, it's what I grew up with. My fave is called "fessen jan" which is chicken in a pomegranate-walnut sauce with saffron rice


Queeeeeeeeen <3
I love you and your beautiful name donya


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