Wednesday 14 June 2017

name : gilleece (call me g)
birthday : september 28

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ao3 : skateboardsound
ko-fi :

fic that you want to recommend : ahh so many...i’m gonna go with summer; blue by batman! I find world-building and plot organizing difficult so i have a special appreciation for those who do it well. This fic is long but has so many exciting twists and builds tension in an amazing way. in love...
fave fic written : gilded
fave genre (of fic) : Realism/Character introspection! The fics that have stuck with me for years are the ones that make me think and feel deeply, especially if there’s a bittersweet ending (haha, im predictable...) I love unconventional storytelling as well!

fave writers : Oh god I know I’m going to forget so many...fitzgarbage, nonheather, minverse, kaythebest, nnnnn im already forgetting everyone I wanted to say. the vmin fandom is blessed with so many talented authors!!!!
how long have you been writing : I wrote a few fics in the distant past but only started developing an interest in writing and improving myself 2 years ago.

advice for writers : I am going to recommend what has helped me in the past! Do a close reading of a special passage of a fic or novel that you really enjoy and try to figure out what it is that inspires you about that writing. Is it the way that author balances different sentence structures? The way they describe things? The words they use? Study this and try to apply that to your own writing. It’s difficult, but try to emulate that style. I find that after I read something written well I am trying to unconsciously mimic their style the next time I write? As long as you are not copying them, this inspiration is a good thing! Forgive yourself and don’t strive for perfection right away! It’s ok to not feel 100% satisfied with something you publish. There’s someone out there who will love it, and you will continue improving. I also recommend having a notebook or word doc just for any phrases that you think of. Sometimes I’ll be in the shower and think “ah, that’s quite cool” and jot the phrase down after. Looking over this list really helps inspire me when I have writer’s block. It reminds me of what I’m capable of and sometimes I’m able to use that phrase in my story.

what motivates you : Usually if I am writing, it’s because I’m trying to portray a certain emotion or feeling. For example I’ll think, “how do I describe the feeling of loss when you feel yourself growing distant from your old self?” and I’ll try to put that into words best I can. Music also. I especially love movie scores and opera.
if you could have 1 superpower : Telekinesis! I’m quite lazy haha
what can someone do to make you feel supported and loved : Any comment or support means the world, honestly. I have a folder on my laptop of nice things people have messaged me about my work and comments that meant a lot to me. I look this over when things seem bleak. I also really love when people quote my story in a comment!

hardest thing about writing : Confidence! I’m a perfectionist and don’t have a beta, so I tend to over-read everything I write. Usually when I post something it’s when I’m at the point where I dislike it, so that’s hard to get over. Anyone who follows my chaptered stories knows that I take a lot of time to write haha…..I’m doing my best to get over my insecurities and make this part less difficult. easiest thing about writing : Coming up with interesting phrases! I like writing poetry so this part comes naturally to me, I think.

fave book : lord of the flies by william golding or the secret history by donna tartt
fave movie : tinker tailor soldier spy
fave quote : “I overcame myself, the sufferer; I carried my own ashes to the mountains; I invented a brighter flame for myself.” -Nietzche
fave food : Don’t question this! It’s sandwiches...

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