Tuesday 27 June 2017

name : Luisa (call me lu, lulu)
birthday : 15th July
twitter : taeharem
ao3 : taeharem

fic that you want to recommend : currently i’m reading re della moda by stoplight / (sui!) it’s amazing - characterization, plot, writing, heads up explicit content for the babies & softies.
fave genre (of fic) : fluff!!! I’m the biggest sap. I can’t handle too much angst I’m terrible I start skimming if it gets too upsetting & then I don’t know what’s happening in the plot lmfao.
fave writers : Bangtan fandom are so lucky there are a lot of amazing writers! Some of my fave & talented mutuals whom I may be slightly biased too are right here:

how long have you been writing : for the BTS fandom a year-ish, for vmin only since the end of last year (I’m a reformed vmin brotp-er, proof there is hope for all the lost souls).
advice for writers : try not to compare your writing with others! I used to always do this and feel discouraged about my own writing in comparison. Now I try to look at writers I admire as inspiration!

what motivates you : for writing vmin, the many countless adorable moments they have (or questionable rated ones, see: spanking in public, leashes). In general, music! For each fic I write I have a main song & fic playlist I listen to while writing that sets the fic mood/tone. And film! As a film major I always envision a fic in full -film form- & the struggle for me is getting that down in words.
if you could have 1 superpower : flying!!!!  
what can someone do to make you feel supported and loved : feedback! Even the smallest shortest comments are so appreciated. When i’m feeling crappy about my writing I go back & read old comments for motivation.

hardest thing about writing : finishing something! I find it easy to come up with ideas but I get bored easily & abandon a lot of works in progress. I get to a /slump phase/ halfway through a fic & lose motivation.
easiest thing about writing : I find writing the beginning of fics the easiest as that’s when i’m super motivated or it’s a fresh idea and i’m excited!

fave book : Girl with the dragon tattoo series, 1Q84, Milk & Honey, the velveteen rabbit
fave movie : eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (I may of cried when Taehyung rec’d this, it’s one of my all time faves), pans labryinth, edward scissorhands, donnie darko, a separation, almost all leo dicaprio movies my baby, let the right one in, y tu mama tambien, 君の名は。/ Kimi no na wa, paris is burning - I could continue forever-
fave quote : “what is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives” ― Rupi Kaur
fave food : does red wine count??

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