name : chimra
birthday : may 8th
where are you from : indonesia

twitter : mandakkoo
tumblr : mandakkoo
commissions : u mean commission acc? i dont have any ><

artist you want to recommend & fave artists : ummm maybe the one who make honey & clover manga, i forgot the mangaka name><;; for fellow fanartist umm maybe yalkae nim & dannu nim! i rly like their simple cute style!
fave art style : cute and simple kk
fave inspiration : umm mostly it comes from the manga/anime that i read, also from MV sometimes  
how long have you been doing art : i've been drawing since elementary school, but i got into drawing FA around the year 2010-ish

advice for artists like you : just draw what u like~dont get pressed about if someone would like it or not, if u like it, then just draw it!! 💪✨

what motivates you : for now, its
if you could have 1 superpower : speed, like...the flash? i can draw fast too
what can someone do to make you feel supported and loved : just a simple word like 'u doing great!' or 'keep it up!' is already enough for me :)
one fun fact about yourself : i draw mostly on my bed or sofa, i almost nvr draw on a table again,,

fave book : im not such a readerr but maybee harry potter..?? ><
fave movie : if its my all time favee...i'll go with titanic
fave quote : 'im not trying to hurry things up' -jin from the wings concept book
fave food : i have tons of fav foods~~if i have to choose then its chocolate