Sunday 18 June 2017

name : Kuu
birthday : 30-11-93
where are you from : Planet earth
twitter :

artist you want to recommend : all of my favorite artists
fave artists :

fave art work : I don't have a specific one, I like everything that is good
fave art style : semi-realistic\pop art
fave inspiration : Movies\Anime

how long have you been doing art : 13 years
advice for artists like you : Don't feel pressured to please the audience, draw what you enjoy the most cus what u love is what matters.

what motivates you : watching other artists draw, and listening to 90's music lol
if you could have 1 superpower : Going back on time.
what can someone do to make you feel supported and loved : Give me food.
one fun fact about yourself : I hate everything about mango

fave book : Harry potter
fave movie : Harry potter
fave quote : "If they can do it so can I"
fave food : Burgers!!

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